
Would you like to:
• improve your personal and professional performance?
• experience increased alignment with your inner strength and power?

Contact Kay Christopher for a free initial consultation to determine whether customized coaching would be a good fit for you.


Free Audio Program
Alignment Before Performance
Leadership in Everyday Life
Time 17:35
Click here: Alignment Before Performance
to listen now or right-click to download as an MP3 file.
This engaging audio program is filled with stories and examples that illustrate the importance of being internally aligned before taking external action. From Caroline, the compassionate founder of a non-profit, to Bronson the amazing service dog, to the business client who healed his brain tumor, to the executive with the disappointing employee, you will be reminded of the importance of inner alignment with your purpose and your spirit. You will also learn about the "practices" that support your alignment and how to "move up the scale" into a better feeling state that will improve both your professional performance and your enjoyment of life.

For information on how you can benefit from customized coaching services and a free initial consultation contact Kay Christopher at (512)795-9180 or by sending an email.